“Missions is less about the transportation of God from one place to another and more about the identification of a God who is already there.

My friend gave me an index card with this quote on it before I left for the World Race.  It is a quote from an author, Rob Bell.  I read it a lot, and the more time that goes on, the more true it is to me.  This quote perfectly explains what I see in Cambodia….God is here.  He is present, He is working, and He has given me the opportunity to see it.  I am amazed by what I see here, I am amazed by what God has allowed me to do here, and I am amazed by God’s love.

I love Cambodia. I can’t say it enough.  I have fallen in love with these people, with the church we are partnered up with, and with God for what He is doing here.  The church here is called New Life Fellowship.  It is an amazing church, with so many different ways they reach out to their city, Phnom Penh.  They reach out to the rich, the poor, children, adults, young adults, street kids, the youth, and the provinces surrounding the city…they want to reach their whole city, and country.  Due to the amount of opportunities there are for ministry with this church, it has allowed our team to spread out and do what God has given us the desire to do.  For me, it has been teaching English.  The church holds free English classes throughout the week, open to anyone who wants to learn or improve their English.  The classes are packed, and the people are so eager to learn.  I started off teaching a couple classes a day and I loved it so much. So I asked if I could teach more, and boy did I get to!  There were days last week when I was there all day….and I loved it.  The students’ ages range from high school to adult.  It is mostly men and some women (because most of the women are working in factories).  Some of the classes have over 100 students, and some have fifteen. They ask so many questions and they are so curious about America, my life, what I believe, my family, and everything you can think of.  God has given me so many opportunities to tell people how He has changed my life, the truth of His love, and the reality that they too have the opportunity to have a relationship with Him. 

There is one class last week that sticks out in my mind.  Someone asked me the question: “Have you ever lost anyone close to you.”  I got big lump in my throat and I didn’t want to talk about it, but I knew I was supposed to.  I told them about my Mom, how she passed away when I was in high school.  They wanted to know all about her, her name, what she was like, her beliefs, everything.  They were so sorry that she passed away, and the sincerity of their words and looks humbled me.  After I shared about my mom, I told them how after I lost her, I had a hard time believing God was real.  Then I told them how a friend of mine in high school was always talking about God and telling me how much God loved me.  One day I went to youth group with him, and the pastor at that youth group talked about Jesus.  He was explaining to about 200 high school students that Jesus died for them.  I had heard this before, but I never understood it.  The pastor went on to explain that we all have sin, and Jesus lived a perfect life and gave His life as a sacrifice for our sin.  But the pastor did not stop there.  I went on to tell the class how I sat there in youth group, captivated by what the pastor was saying.  And then the pastor said, “The truth is, there is a God in heaven who loves you and He wants to have a relationship with you.”   It was that moment when I first believed, and it was that night that I first prayed and asked Jesus into my life.  And I have never been the same.   As I was sharing this to a group of mostly Buddhist men, I couldn’t believe what was coming out of my mouth.  I knew it had to be God speaking through me.  They continued to ask questions, and some even stayed after class to talk.

I walked home that day in tears, so amazed by what God allowed me to see.  It was one of those days I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else.  God is here, and He has allowed me to see and experience Him.  I am forever changed, and thankful.


Here are some of the English Students.


Here is the classroom I teach in.

Some more students.

Our cute little neighbors in the alley that greet us everyday :).

The streets of Cambodia.