Hi Everyone, I’m Clinton White and I’m thrilled about the incredible oppportunity before us. As far as I know, I’ll be the “oldest” racer but I’m gonna try my best to keep up!. I’ve been a Student Minister for almost 16 years. I’ve served the same church for almost 12 years (I think that makes me a legend or an anomaly or something). I’ve had a heart for missions ever since my first out-of-country mission trip in 1989. The “Pillars’ of AIM’s ministry like discipleship and koinonia resonate in me. Being light in the darkest places excites me because it’s there I know I’ll have to be fully dependent on God. In a way, being a part of The World Race is the best “lesson” I can teach my students. I’ve spent all these years teaching them to hear God and encouraging them to obey and follow Him no matter what; to take risks for Him and live life without regrets. Now they get to see me live that lesson. I feel good that I’m not leaving them simply to serve the next biggest church.

I became a Christian because a hippie couple was radical enough to bring a bus out in the boondocks where I grew up. I wasn’t discipled though until I became active in a campus ministry at Mississippi State University. I think I could have been voted “least likely” to become a minister or missionary but apparently God has a sense of humor like that! He clearly called me to Student Ministry. For a lot of reasons I have sensed my current ministry drawing to a close and the Lord’s leading into something new. I am a recent widower (wow, that sounds strange. I’m still getting used to it.- my wife died earlier this year from complications associated with Cystic Fibrosis.) Because of the nature of her illness, we had years to dream about the future. We both felt that I would serve overseas when the time came. I feel good that I’m not only fulfilling my dream, but hers as well.

I feel more alive when I’m around teenagers and children. My heart melts for Ukrainian orphans. I’m into hiking and climbing and camping.

I’m a computer and video geek. I’m addicted to Jeeps. I love being “broken”; not because it feels good, but because it’s then and there that I think I most have the heart and mind of Christ.

What I’m doing between now and then . . .www.six0five.org