I am so excited to share that I have been chosen to lead a 3 month long Passport trip with Adventures in Missions! We are heading to Panama and Costa Rica in Central America.

Passport is a mission trip geared toward college students, so it is very similar to the World Race Gap Year that I went on, just that it isn’t as long. I will be leading the group, which means my main responsibilities will be to disciple my teammates  and encourage them to grow in the Lord. I am very excited about this opportunity, but I am going to need to rely on the Lord for a lot of wisdom, patience, and love.

I am leaving Japan this weekend and will be flying to Georgia for a few days of training before my team and I launch on September 5th.

God has been so faithful in opening the doors for this opportunity, and I am very expectant for what He is going to do in & through myself and my team in the coming months. I am so thankful for the work that God has done in my heart and in my life to bring me to this point, and I know there is even MORE that He has in store. 

I ask that you keep us in your prayers, in these specific ways…

1. Pray for unity in the team, that we can build deep friendships and be an encouragement to each other.

2. Pray for me, Cindy, that God will grant me the wisdom, humility, and courage that I need to lead this team closer to Jesus.

3. Pray for the ministries and people that we will be partnering with in Panama and Costa Rica, that we can be the hands of feet of Jesus to all those we come in contact with there.

4. Pray that this will be an experience that will deepen each participant’s love for Christ and His people, and give them an even greater desire to pursue the Lord with all of their hearts.

Your prayers carry more power than you know, and I hope that you will be faithful to lift us up from time to time. 

I plan to share more updates and experiences on this blog, so please continue to follow and share.

Thank you all for your support and prayers.