Well, I’ve tried advoiding it. I’ve tried denying it. And I’ve tried making excuses for it. But I now officially have tick bite fever. (Which we’re now all calling TBF since it dominates most of our conversations at night.) And it’s not fun. Out of 11 of us, probably half (or a little more) of us have had it so far.

I do have to say, thankfully, so far my symptons aren’t as bad as some peoples’. Today I started the antibiotics (6 pills a day, by the way) and will be on them until my symptons stop. So what are the symptons you ask? Good question. Typically: fever, which comes with the fun night sweats when it’s 30 degrees outside, headaches, fatigue, groin pain and painful bite mark that has an ugly little black head on it.

We have been told that it’s actually best for us to have found out now that we have this then go somewhere else, since it’s not that common everywhere. So thankfully we’ve become experts on TBF pretty quickly. Who knows? Maybe it’ll come in handy later.

But for those concerned, we’re all fine. The medicine is working. And if we need more medicine, the clinic isn’t too far down the road.