This morning I was talking to a friend of mine whose son is going to be baptized soon. As the conversation went on, she told me that when her daughter, Tabitha, was baptized that she thought John the Baptist would be the one baptizing her. Tabitha knew that he had baptized Jesus, so why wouldn’t he baptize her too?

It was such a cute story and reminded me why I like working with children. They have faith in God, faith that He’s going to do what He says and they believe in what the Bible says. Although, Tabitha had mixed up some facts about the John the Baptist – like him being killed- her faith was strong. As we talked, I recalled when I was baptized at 10 years old, I truly believed that I wouldn’t get wet. I thought God put a bubble/shield around people as they went in the water to protect them. I had seen several people baptized and after the service they were dry! (I never realized that people brought hair dryers from home.)

Although both stories sound silly now, the faith/love for God in our hearts were the same. As we get older and learn more about God and grow closer to Him, you would think that the faith that we had as children would grow stronger. And sometimes it does, but a lot of times it doesn’t. It just made me wander, if we believe in God and in what the Bible tells us, why do we all not have the faith of child?