You betcha!

I mean who in their right mind would drop everything they’ve got going in their life and spend an entire year living on the complete opposite end of the spectrum? I won’t lie, I’m very used to being comfortable. Nice house, nice family, nice church, nice stuff. So why would I abandon it all to go off and do something crazy like this? Well… there are many answers to that question. I think it all boils down to God just getting me to the point where He needed me to be, which is a place of discomfort with being comfortable, if that makes any sense. People ask me why I would willing leave behind all of this and live out of a backpack and a tent for an entire year…
I’ve started to get frustrated with the way we do things around here and how we take so much for granted. I want to be able to show the world that there are things going on this very moment that are actually important. There are people who, instead of complaining that the burger we ordered isn’t cooked the way we asked for it and we want a new one, have to actually worry about where they are going to find their food for the day. Instead of going out and paying $10 for a meal, they have to work all day to get even a fraction of that in hopes they can afford to buy food for their whole family.

I don’t know, I don’t want to come across as sounding as if I’m trying to condem people for doing these things, but it just really bothers me that so often these kind of things are at the forefront of our minds and not the people who are in need. I think God has really opened my eyes up to this, and put me in a position to where I am able to show the rest of the world this.

I’m quite thankful that the Lord has kept poking me until I got to the point where I am no longer comfortable with being comfortable.
I’m looking forward to being in places where important things are actually important things.
Am I crazy? Probably. If it’s “normal” to worry more about paying $10 to go see a movie than to put our money to better use, then sure, I’m crazy…