It’s crazy to think that before I know it this journey is going to come to an end.  The Lord has refined me so much this year and really shown me his heart for community and discipleship.  He is doing something big in the church.  He is establishing pillars to be the corners of his Church.  Pillars that will stand and call in all nations to their heavenly father and unite us as the body of Christ.  I am so thankful I have had the opportunity to see His heart for the nations and thus be broken. 



Right now I’m sitting at 2,450 from reaching my final financial goal for the rest of the year.  I am so overjoyed and have faith the Lord is going to supply.  I thank all my supporters thus far for believing in me and in the church to give to a cause greater than ourselves.  Also the Lord has heavily placed it on my heart to go to India within the first three weeks of being back home and spend X-Mas with the orphans.  I am sold out for the one who redeemed me by his Grace. 




The Lord has given me vision and passion to make disciples and be a spiritual father to orphans who want his holy water.  I want to display love and die to self for His sake to glorify his name. 



I’m asking for your spiritual support for the Lord to birth more worship in my heart.  For a new song to be a pillar in the desert place and make a garden in the dark and barren places.  I ask for prayers of clarity in what the Lord is calling me to walk out in him and I also ask for prayers for kingdom resources to build kingdom. 




Once again thank you so much friends and family for all your support and I pray blessings over all of you. 



A humble servant in Christ,

Chris J. Telfer