Week #2 Discussion


        Hello Media team.  I hope all is well with all your preparation for this trip.  The Lord has really been burdening my heart with the importance of spiritual preparation.  I attended the International House of Prayer in

Kansas City
Missouri this past weekend and saw warriors.  If you have not heard of it, this place is dedicated to 24 hour worship and prayer.  It has been going on for seven years with non stop worship and prayer and is an amazing experience.  It was like entering a battle field witnessing the lords children cry out to God with scripture and plea,
 reminding our God of his perfect promises.
  These people knew their authority in Christ and had the word close to heart.
  They understood the
 glory in the fact that they had their salvation sealed in the palm of Gods hand (John 10:28).
  That the enemy had no jurisdiction over their lives.
  It reminded me of Luke 10:19,20 that says, “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
  Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in the heaven.”
  Our names our written in the book of life and although the enemy tries to steal this from us (John 10:10) we must constantly remind ourselves that we are children of him.
  Ephesians 3:12
 says to have confidence in and through him.
   This confidence in his word, in his promises I think leads us to walk in the fullness of Christ.


Here are some questions I chewed on this past week.
  If you guys could share your thoughts about this we could grow together.
  We must remind ourselves daily (Hebrews 3:13)


Day 1

How could you better prepare for battle today or tomorrow?
  When you have confronted the enemy head on.


Day 2

What does a revolutionary look like in today’s world?


Day 3

Do you think being a revolutionary is a lifestyle or a day to day decision?



What can you do to develop sensitivity to the spiritual struggle happening around you?


Day 5

How does doubt keep you from becoming what God has made you to be?


Remember our individuality in Christ helps us to eliminate the lies of the enemy telling us we are not good enough.
  That we are not of Christ and not a part of the vine which are lies.
  We must fight through reminding ourselves daily of Gods promises to reflect his glory and keep our minds fresh with Christ.
  This is why I challenge all of you to really pray about memorizing a passage our journey with the book of James with a few of us.
  By keeping the word close to our hearts we can not only defend ourselves, but fight with confidence.