I must say, God surprises me a lot.

 Last week, I moved out of New York to live rent-free with my mom in North Carolina for four months before beginning the World Race. These four months would give me time to raise support, spend time with family and friends, and save money by getting a part-time job. As difficult as it was to say goodbye to my friends and my life in New York (not to mention the attachment I have for the city itself), it was the “practical thing to do”, to move back. I was actually having to pray a lot about my attitude about living in Charlotte, because I’ve grown so accustomed to the busy, independent life in New York, and I knew it would be culture shock to live in the South again. On top of that, I was going to have to go job searching, most likely working really hard at a job I wasn’t really interested in. God reminded me that living in Charlotte was to be an opportunity to prepare for the race, not just something I had to “get through.”

 Then, after being in NC for not even 48 hours, I get a message from a friend asking if I was interested in being Company Manager for the children’s theatre tour she is acting in. The pay is great, it is a job in theatre (always a plus in my book), and it is only for 6 weeks, still leaving me two months in Charlotte where I won’t have to work and will have time for WR training, a visit back to NY, and plenty of time for support raising and spending time with people. I think that’s pretty cool, that through all my fighting with God about leaving NY, that He had something great in store for me right after I moved! I know God has good things in store for me, and yet I am still constantly surprised when these things happen!

I pray that for the rest of you as well, as you try to sell your houses, obtain or leave jobs, and whatever other actions must be taken to prepare for our race. If He wants you on this trip, He will work out whatever it takes to get you there, because “my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” -Philippians 4v19