I had an extravagant, spectacular 26th
birthday!!! I was allowed to spend the
night with my team and use good, quick internet which let me call home and talk
to Tati for hours…I also spent the night at a hotel and pampered myself…I got
an fantastic box from my friend Meagan filled with goodies and then presents
from my team followed by birthday cake with sprinkles and ice cream! I took a
few pics to share my day with you!
Thanks to everyone who made my day…It really means more than words can
say! Love you…

Here I am…all dolled up in birthday attire…

(thanks to the amazing meagan!)

I went out with a few of the girls for a birthday dinner…

I booked a gorgeous, spacious hotel room for my birthday…

decked out with satelite TV, a king size bed, fluffy pillows, etc.

and then ordered room service for dinner

Then I opened up some presents….

I got an amazing box from Meagan and some gifts from my team…

Fun, fun presents…

and even more presents…

The next day some of my team picked me up and took me back to where we are staying only to find more suprises!

Even more fun signs inside the house… (joy you are awesome!)

When I got upstairs to my room I found more presents…

And yes Meagan…Almost all your decorations were hung up and used!

It reminded me of home! 🙂

Later that night I was called downstairs to find a birthday cake, ice cream and a happy birthday song…

Cake complete with sprinkles…and in world race form (a little smashed from the trip home) 🙂

The End. 🙂

on a side note…we leave for South Africa in the morning at 10:00…

My team is going to work with an American missionary there doing some painting, building, working with orphans, etc. I’ll write again when I can!