Here are a few pictures of our time in Mozambique…

Thanks again SO MUCH to the Rudolph family! I loved every second at your house! 
The internet connection here in Swaziland is
as slow as a turtle…Thanks to Ryan for all the pics!!!

This is the enitre group that sayed with the Rudolph family!

This is the Rudolph family…

This is a pic from the night we showed the Jesus Film…There were about 200 people counted.

This was after the film…asking for prayer.  A guy came forward asking for healing (his ears were bad).  He also gave his life to the Lord.  The next day he showed up at Jacko’s house asking for a Bible and told us that his ears had been healed.  He also showed up again on Sunday for church along with 2 friends.

We also got to help with some construction.  Here is a pic of the guys…they helped lay concrete and build the sides for a shower/bathroom for future mission teams that will come in and stay here.

This is one of the nasty bugs we had to put up with on a daily basis. yuck! (and scary)

On one of the Sunday’s we took some of the orphans to the beach…It was really fun!

This is the view from a lodge there in Mozambique we stayed at the night we came back from the bush.

This was really a treat…They cooked up T-Bone Steaks for our entire team free of charge.  I think this is the first time I’ve eaten steak since leaving Texas.  You can see the excitement on all of our faces.


This was our day out on the boat/island…completely gorgeous!  We spent the day snorkling and deep sea fishing.  I’m to the right in the wonderful green shorts! 🙂

The night before we left for Swaziland we had a going away party with the Rudolph family and some friends we had met in Mozambique.  After dinner we gathered around the bon fire…The guys defintaely have bragging rights for how high the flames actually went!

We made it safely to Swaziland after a 14 hour bus ride from Mozambique.  It was quite an interesting ride…Just about every 20 minutes a ‘guard’ would be in the middle of the road stopping our vehicle.  I learned after the first few times that they required either a gift or money in order to let you pass.  If you didn’t give him either, the vehicle would be pulled over, everyone would get off and they would search through everything (which would take 2 or 3 hours).  I asked the driver what the point was and he answered… ‘they all just want money’.  Lukily our driver had  ‘given them gifts’ on the way to Mozambique and we got thru quickly on our way back to Swaziland.

I’m really excited to be in Swaziland…Not sure yet what to expect, But I plan on it being a good month. 
My birthday is in a few days and you can’t go wrong with birthdays! 🙂
Have a good Saturday!