Food here in Peru has been pretty good.  We eat alot of the same things day to day.  White rice especially…we eat that for both lunch and dinner pretty much every day.  Potatos and rice are defintaely the signature foods of Peru.  They accompany almost every meal. We also eat alot of chicken (on the bone).  Here are a few shots of some of the foods from Peru.

These are potatos covered in a yellow sauce, 1/2 of a boiled egg, and an olive.  This dish is very popular here.   It is served as an appetizer or side dish.

This is a beef stir-fry dish we had in the first week we were here.  They put the stir fry on top of a pile of french fries and serve it with rice.

Cake, Sweet Cake!!!  We celebrated the March Birthdays with this cake. It was delicious!

Ceviche…Perus most bragged on food.  Everyone here loves ceviche.  This was served to us with a sweet  potato, a piece of lettuce, seaweed, corn, and roasted kernals. (okay, I will be honest…I didn´t eat this because of my fish allergy :))

This was our Easter lunch.  Fried Fish served with white rice, potato, onions, and roasted kernals.  I had chips this day while one our translators enjoyed my portion.   🙂

This is called Winter Cake.  Its a dessert here.  This truly is one of the most tasty things I had while in Peru.  I absolutely loved it!

This is rice pudding…and i{m not a fan of rice pudding…but this was delicious!  It was filled with cocunut, cinnamon, all kinds of goodness! (thats Robert in the background, one of our translators)

And this is the awesome family that invited us over to thier house to try a few different Peru desserts (Winter Cake & Rice Pudding).  This family is awesome!   We actually are going back to thier house tonight for home made ice cream and to visit.