Well, we finish up our time here today, and tomorrow we move on to our first area of ministry. We will be going to a village called Santa Maria where our ministry will be mainly focused on kids and teens. I´m really excited to finally dig in and see our our team operates together in ministry.

Yesterday was Candice´s birthday so a group of us all went out for dinner and then walked around town. When we got back to the church we had a birthday party with cake and a piñata for all the people with Jan. birthdays. Lots of fun!!  



Our church service this morning was awesome as we focused on just praising God however we felt led. Some read scripture, others sang, and we just had a great time of worshipping God together. Then we shared communion and had a great time of prayer.  It´s so cool to see how a group of people worshipping together can transcend languages barriers when we´re all united with one purpose.

As all the groups go our seperate ways this week, please continue to pray that our ministry will be fruitful and that God will be preparing hearts and minds for the message we are about to bring. Also, please keep praying for our small team. I´m so excited to see the way all our strengths and gifts are going to come out as we learn to work together and complement each other.

God´s also been doing some cool stuff in my heart lately and really just calling me into a deeper relationship with Him. It´s so easy to get caught up in all the craziness of an experience like this (teaching, training, ministry, etc.)  and lose sight of the most basic thing. God loves me passionately and I am learning to just rest in that and let him love on me. It´s brought me more peace then I´ve know in a long time and i´m loving it. I´ve realized that until I´m filled with the love of God there´s no way i´ll be able to pour it out on all the people i´m about to meet. I want all the ministry i do to be an overflow of the love in my heart, not an obligation or a chore. Praise God for his pursuing love and faithfullness.

Until next time…