Well the race has finally started! After 3 great days of training in Matamoros we’re now on our own to find our way to Peleneque. We pretty much just got dropped off with our luggage somewhere in the middle of the city, but we managed to find a little travel ourism shop nearby. We pursued a few different options and ALMOST rented a Ford Focus for the 20+ hr drive (yes, for all 6 of us plus luggage!) but finally decided that traveling by bus would be the safest, fastest, and most cost effective. Our bus takes off at 7pm tonight (TH) and we are scheduled to arrive in Pelenque around 5AM Sat morning, where we will run to the top of the temple and see if anyone is already there waiting for us. (Hopefully NOT) 🙂 Please keep us in your prayers and I’ll be sure to post when we get there! Oh, and I got all my luggage safe and sound…Praise the Lord!