We flew into Bangkok, Thailand from Africa and the squad reunited for a few days during debrief. Our amazing coaches and original Squad Leaders flew in from America to join us before we departed again for month 9. Half of our squad flew to the Philippines and I along with the other half flew to Vietnam.

(J-Squad Thailand Debrief)
Vietnam is a closed country. I still don’t understand all of the limitations that brings…but I am learning.
The US took part in the Vietnam War. I’m gaining perspective from inside the country…it is different…but I am learning.
I hesitated to openly read my B*ble in the public coffee shop this morning. I don’t know if that hesitation was completely necessary…but I am learning.
I’m serving in a country where the Good News is actually considered good. I’m just not allowed to tell it…but I am learning.
I once heard a story about a worker who took the Good News to an unreached people group. And upon hearing it, an elderly man in the crowd began to ask…”Why did nobody tell us before? How long have you known? Your generation? Your father’s generation? Your father’s father’s generation? How long have you known?”
Humbling…don’t you think? That there are people longing for the message of freedom…forgiveness…love…and redemption…yet for one reason or another…we often keep it to ourselves.
Perhaps because we don’t realize the merit of its content.
Let us be reminded today that the Good News…is in fact…
