I logged onto myspace the other night and had a message from a girl named Allie who lives in Arizona. She said she came across my myspace page while looking for the lyrics to Only Love Remains (see my last post). This is a little strange because (if you’re familiar with myspace) it’s only my profile song, nothing else about it is on my page. Anyway, she asked if I had gone to Africa and said her cousin spent 5 months doing mission work in Tanzania. I replied and gave her the basic rundown about the trip and told her we would be focusing on orphans. Turns out, her family’s good friends run an orphanage in Tanzania (one of the countries we’re going to) and that’s where her cousin stayed. Then she asked what organization I was going with and when I told her AIM, she couldn’t believe it. She lived in Mexico for 10 months doing mission work through AIM! To top it all off, her school was having a 20 hour prayer service the NEXT DAY and she said she’d add me and our team to her list. God is so awesome. Only he could orchestrate that.

Now who says that nothing good comes from myspace? God uses it! 🙂