I was sitting on the beach this morning spending time with Jesus. I was talking about my family, memories of Christmas past, and the emotions I felt about not being in my parent’s living room this Christmas. I asked God to fill them with memories that will not make them miss me or filled with loneliness, but instead fill them with thoughts of joy for all the wonderful memories we have shared. I asked for their remembrance to be joyful. Then it hit me. This is what Jesus was talking about when He said, “Take and eat… Take and drink… in remembrance of Me.” He did not say to mourn because he is not at our dinning table. Instead, we are to rejoice in the memories of Him with us and in what He has done with His life. In that rejoicing we are to truly remember Him and be thankful for the time spent together. We celebrate because we have been blessed with memories, because we know HIM.
Jesus is alive and in our lives. We can drink to that. So on this Christmas morning – eat, drink, and be merry because a new born king is born. My family should celebrate because I am apart of their lives’. That alone is worth celebrating, even in my absence. In addition to celebrating Jesus’ life, celebrate the memories you have together, love being given, and life being shared.
So today as your remember the birth of our King of Kings in a humble barn outside of Bethlehem, thank Him for all of the memories you have with the loved one’s that are not physically present at your Christmas celebrations.