She Thailand ~

Team Zion & Concrete have spent this month working with
an incredible organization called SHE Thailand. A dream given to Mark and Sharon Biddlell,
their passion is to reach out to the women working in the bars and sex trade in
Phuket, Thailand. They have created a
company to sell hand crafted bead, shell, and pearl jewelry in the United
States and England. The employees of SHE
are women who want something better for their life and want to get out of the

Mark and Sharon, and their four children have moved to
Thailand, and the island of Phuket, to pour their heart and soul into the lives
of these women. Their passion is not
only to see them out of the holds of the sex trade, but more importantly to see
them fall madly in love with Jesus.

I have spent the last 4 weeks in the shop, discovering that
God has anointed this dream. It is a joy
and privilege to called the women of SHE and the Biddell Family friends.

I would like to encourage you and all your friends and
family to check out the web site for SHE
also the next time you are in the market for something pretty, (Which I am
discovering for the World Race women is ALL THE TIME!) please check out the SHE
eBay store.

If you would like to do more to support this business, here
are a few ways in which you can help.

Volunteer to hold jewelry parties or sell the
products in your workplace and community.
(For more info contact Sharon

Plan a short-term trip to Thailand to volunteer
with the organization.

(College age and older!)

Move to
Thailand and become an employee…