As the journey we will take on the World Race will be powerful and life changing, preparing for this journey is turning out to be an adventure in itself.  I have been asking myself so many questions over the last month.  Of course the big one, “how am I going to find the support to cover the cost of this trip?”, then immedatly afterwards, “how am I going to find the money to pay my bills while I am gone?”.  Yes, I know that God will always provide for his children, and I know that I am to be on this race, but that nasty doubt keeps popping up. 

On the opposite side of preperation, I am finding myself asking some deep and powerfull self-examination questions.  Like “Who am I, who did God create me to be?”  and “What junk do I need to get rid of before I leave for this journey?”  As I search my soul, and dig into The Word for the answers to these and so many more, I am discovering the heart of the GOD who is pulling me forward to the Race.  A heart not concerned with where the money comes from, but my trust in Him to provided all that is needed.  A heart that wants all of me. 

I know that I have a lot of work still do to before I am ready to leave in June, but each day brings me to new insights and understanding.  With plans and hopes and fears and dreams for this year that is placed before me. 

Oh God, please change my heart, make me pure and holy, ready to follow you!