Stuck in my sleeping bag as I try to sleep, pants twisting around my legs as I move, I am reminded as to why shorts are my preference. Problem is shorts and fifty-degree misty weather don’t mix, especially when a tent is your bedroom.
Getting up five minutes before your alarm goes off, and trekking to the washroom area to brush your teeth before you encounter your team isn’t the easiest, especially when you have to find shoes, need to pee, and have no idea what you look like. Having your alarm go off when you are a football field away because you woke up before it and forgot to turn it off, well… Now that is your neighbor’s problem…. Sorry guys ☺

That being said, this is now my reality. A sleeping bag has replaced my memory foam topped large bed, with amazing pillows in multitudes. A tent has become my bedroom, my home. No longer can I go home where I live alone at the end of a day to escape when I have had enough. My escape is laying on top of my sleeping bag, listening to worship on my iPod, typing this. My shower has become limited to a few minutes, on a timer, costing money, and hot if you are lucky. My air conditioner seemed to modify itself to look like my tent windows opened on all sides creating airflow, and a nice breeze considering it is cool here in Ireland right now. And my meals, well today breakfast and lunch consisted of a sandwich. If you can really call it that. A piece of bread with peanut butter, banana, and honey.

This is only the beginning of the next eleven months, let alone the rest of my life. I am dying to myself. I am dying to the things I call mine. The things I say I can’t live without will quickly change I am sure.  The frustrations I have will need to be given to Him, or I might go insane. And the knuckle cracking which I despise, a few on my team do it constantly… I haven’t told them yet. This is going to be a year of molding my clay, into what He has truly called me to be. A woman of God, strong and beautiful, living in His freedom, obeying His calling, and loving on everyone and everything I encounter in both thought and action.

So till then, farewell self….