Today I turn 22 years old. It’s not my first birthday in a foreign country, but what better occasion is there to reflect on some of the lessons I’ve learned about life and myself the past 5 months? So here it is. A brief list of 22 things I’ve learned on this journey. Here’s to 22 years of life!


1) Riding on buses nauseates me. I never knew I suffered from car sickness.


2) Laughter is a must. Belly laughter is even better.


3) Toilet paper comes in a variety of colors and scents. Pink, orange, green. Who knew?


4) Everyone enjoys a good dance party. They may deny it, but deep down they do.


5) Piles of dirty laundry do not wash themselves. They also don’t smell too great.


6) The world would be a dark place without Wifi. World Racers crave Wifi. 


7) Western style toilets are not the majority. Cheers to new leg muscles.


8) Why fit 15 people into a 15-passenger van when you can cram 30?


9) Sleep can be found almost anywhere. You don’t even need a bed!


10) You will always find room and weight in your pack for snacks. Worth it!


11) It never gets old to wake up daily and not know where you are.


12) Headphones and music are the key to alone time.


13) Kids will be kids. Anywhere in the world. Love them well.


14) Flexibility is a must while traveling. All expectations of structure must be thrown out the window.


15) People make choices that you cannot control.


16) Twizzlers are scarce in relation to the whole world. Stock up when you can.


17) Peer pressure is 500 times stronger among fellow Christians. This is not always a good thing.


18) Community is not a choice, it is a requirement for the body of Christ.


19) You cannot run from your problems. They will find you anywhere. You must be ready to confront them head-on.


20) Freedom is found in Christ alone.


21) Submission to authority is not always easy. But we must respect those who are put in authority.


22) The world is beautiful and worthy of being explored.