Amidst the crazy nightlife lights and mayhem, as I approach the bar I see a bubbly young woman, excited to see us. She gives each one of us a big hug, always with a smile on her face, yet sadness underlying in her eyes behind the smile. I then think about what her lifestyle means. It means using her God given beauty to lure men to her place of business. It means being bought by a man for roughly 300 baht ($8.50) to hang out exclusively with her at the bar, or 2000 to 4000 baht ($60 to $115) to have her for the night. Some girls even have “boyfriends” (men who pay a certain amount year round), so when these men visit Phuket, they have exclusive rights to the girl, whenever and however long they please.
I then think of the young woman with the laughter and big smile, but sad eyes….and wonder, how hard is it to keep the act up, after giving her body to a man God has not said, “This is the one I’ve created for you”.  I wonder if she knows there is One who loves her…for her, nothing more, nothing less. If she would only love HIM and give her all to the Great I AM, and not “him” with the fast money.


For the month of April I am living on an island in Thailand called Phuket (pronounced Poo-ket). Phuket is a touristy town that attracts people from all over, not only for its beaches, but the plethora of “I am here to please you” women. This month, I, as well as 6 other girls from the H squad are working with an organization called SHE (Self Help and Empowerment, SHE offers an outlet for women who want to leave the bars and prostitution. SHE offers free housing to the girls as well as a way to earn income through making jewelry and chocolates. Ninety-eight percent of the women staying at the SHE center have come to know the Lord already. (Chea!)

We are staying at the SHE center to minister to the girls (and help make jewelry), as well as going out each night to the bars to meet new girls and build relationships. Through these relationships we pray God will work through us to get some of these girls out of the bar scene, learn a new trade, and ultimately come to know the Lord.

Prayer requests:
~Please pray for clear communication as we go out each night into the bar scene to meet the girls.
~That the Lord will cover us from any attacks of the enemy and that we put on the armour of God each night.
~That the girl’s hearts will be ready and open for us.
~Also, that we will see the men in the bars through God’s eyes, and have compassion for them.

“Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in him, for he shields him (her) all day long, and the one the Lord loves rests between his shoulders.” ~Deuteronomy 33:12