“This is Africa” is a quote we heard multiple times over the past month. This blog is getting posted a little late due to sketchy/lack of wifi, but it’s a small snapshot of our month in Mozambique, and mainly is just for fun! Hope you enjoy.


This is the Africa on Fire Ministry staff. We stayed mostly at a compound in Chiputo with them, however, we visited Zavala for four days, and we were also in Maputo for a couple of days. Our ministry consisted of village and children’s outreach.


We got a taste of how the locals travel when both of our teams piled into the back of a truck multiple times to travel to different cities, the market ,etc.


Our team picture on our way to Zavala (in the background in the Indian Ocean).


Our team, plus our squad leader Kevin, plus two of our friends from Africa on Fire.


When we arrived in Zavala we were greeted with a singing and dancing, hugs and kisses. The people proceeded to dress a table with lace and serve us lunch even though it was 5pm (we also got dinner around 10pm that night).


Zavala is the land of mangos and coconuts (seriously they’re everywhere). Rebecca and I are demonstrating how to drink a coconut in a classy way (or at least in our minds we are).



A capulana is basically an African skirt that women wrap around their waists. We found out they come in handy on the truck rides (they’re a sunshield among many other uses we found for then throughout the month).

One of the women in Chibuto, Rodinha, introduced us to real organic tea. Hot water with lemon tree leaves, freshly picked from outside of our tents.

Pray for Mozambique. The beauty of Africa is breathtaking, and what God has highlighted to me in month one is the beauty of the children we encountered. Where we were located had many orphans and children in living conditions that were difficult to accept. Most of the time all they wanted was for someone to love them, and that looks different for each person. For some, we are called to go and for others we are called to send, but we are all called to pray. Please pray for these children when it comes to mind. God bless!!!