A quick letter to Jesus before training. Because I don’t know how training is exactly going to pan out, I’m not sure if I’ll be able to blog at all until I get back after the 29th. However, I would appreciate your prayers, and I promise to send out an update about the journey after I’m back!!

To my sweet Jesus,
It’s hard to believe that I’ll be leaving with You for training camp tomorrow. This path You’re taking me on, and what You’ve called me to do is so surreal. I feel like it was only a day ago that I had first heard of the World Race, rather than in 2013. You’ve gotten me through so much already, and shown me so many sides to Your personality, and Who You are, and yet I’ve found that I’m still in awe of You. I have so much to discover, and I want to pursue Your heart more than anything else in this world.

You’re so sweet, dear Jesus, and You’ve shown me what true life is. My worst fear is not the discomfort of living out of a backpack, nor is it living with strangers for eleven months, but rather, it’s not living life fully surrendered to You.

What a beautiful journey we’ve been on together. You see, I’ve discovered that in my pursuit of finding out Who You are, I’ve actually found out who I am. I am Your servant, and I love You with all of my heart.

But I have a confession: I’m not as bold as I would like to be, and I fear forgetting who I am.  I want others to know You…the real You. I don’t want them to know the Jesus that people say You are, or the church says, or even me. I want others to give You a chance, and to let You show them Who You are.

As we take this next step together I ask in Your name that You’ll weave a spirit of unity and grace among my team and me. I thank You for each person who’s said yes to You and is going on the trip, because I know it’s by no coincidence. I pray that we’ll learn to honor one another, and show true love to each other.