Aghhhh!!!!  This is coming out a lot later than I told most of  you it would!!  I promised some of you that I’d blog a couple days after getting back.  Sorry about that!!  However, here are a couple of photo blogs!!!  One is of our ministry time in China.  While there, we were ministering to the missionaries that lived there.   We also checked out some places for them to tell their backpacking friends about, at the restraunt they owned.  (hence the camping and riding the horse in the mountain pics. ) The next one will be of Hong Kong. Enjoy!


loading our stuff in the sleeper car-the best way to travel!!!

on my bunk in a sleeper car with Agapetos

why we pray that our luggage makes it to the same place we are going to

afternoon hike in the mountains

on the Tibetan plateau

part of the monestary- China

the men in China will sit around all day playing this game

 the guys starting a fire while camping in the mountains

 snow on our tent in the morning

 mountains in the morning

 a new friend, a yak, who later became our lunch (just kidding..though we did eat yak and it isn’t bad)

 our favorite (and cheap!) thing to eat.  It’s steam cooked and has different fillings in it.  This one is all veggies.  You dunk it in some hot sauce, and yum!!

 a little boy I played with and his grandfather

 at the park

horseback riding in the mountains of China

 eating lunch

 on the Great Wall with Mal, and Tana

 more of the Wall


pics in Beijing in Tiannemen Square

what it looks like when we travel!