I went for a walk with Him this morning. I wanted to write my Bio today and knew I needed His input. Writing your own bio is an interesting process. It is an effort to explore the most fundamental of questions: Who am I? My tendency would be to fill it with vital stats, or even more so, to share only the elements of me that I want people to see. So, as I set off this morning, the bigger and more important question arose: Who am I in Christ? Of course, the answer to this does involve some of the vital stats. The fact that I was born into an Irish Catholic family as one of six children. The fact that my parents were dedicated to not only their personal relationship with God, but also to serving the church and its most needy, and that it is also to them that I owe much of my passion for people. The fact that I now count my brothers and sisters as some my closest friends because of the incredible people they are.
     Yes, these are all very important parts of me. But there is more too, that He wants me to share. There is the fact that it is only now, at 30 years old, that I can even begin to listen and respond to His promptings about missions. The fact that although He has been calling to me about missions for most of my life, fear and doubt and lack of trust kept me paralyzed from following this call. And how it took a dark period where I was extremely weak and faulty and crushed to be in a position of surrender enough to finally hear. Yet the most important part of my story is His role in all of this. How He remained faithful and took all of the stuff I was dealing with and brought it all back together for His good and purpose. How He laid the perfect path, through my teaching kids with mental illnesses, meeting different people, and calling me into a personal relationship with Him, though I saw not the path, nor the way. How He refused to let me go until I experienced His healing, His mercy and His grace, and until I could embrace these enough to trust Him.
     Who am I in Christ? Someone that is still seeking, still trying to listen, still full of weaknesses in many ways. But I am also someone that desires to grow closer to who He wants me to be through this trip and most of all, someone that is excited for the parts of this Bio that He has already written and that I have yet to live…