If you haven’t already read it, see God Bless the Stubborn I to get the background on this great blessing.

God blesses the stubborn. It was early April. I was at training camp in Georgia when Nathaniel IMed me and asked me to give him a call. I did, and when I got off the phone with him, I was stunned. He had just told me that his contribution to the World Race wouldn’t be funds into my support account. He said he would buy me a Mac. What? Really? He told me to pick out the one I wanted (within reason) and let him know.

It is now May, and I am writing this blog from the new Mac. If you are a Mac person, you know that you get to give your computer a name. Since I believe that names are important, this was a challenge to find just the right one. My own name means Messenger of God, a name which I feel I fail to live up to the majority of the time. Choosing a name for the Mac was important. I needed to find something that could inspire me if needed it. Something with meaning, with weight. I chose to name my Mac Amanya. It is Hebrew for Artist of God. Amanya will help me put my thoughts into words or images or videos. She is a tool I will be using to glorify Him. She will help tell my story, my squad’s story, and the stories of all the people we encounter next year. The Lord provided, despite my stubbornness, and He did so more abundantly than I could have imagined.

The day after the Mac was ordered, I e-mailed Nathaniel with these words “You were right about Mac.” And I told him to frame those words. They were fifteen years in the making.
And his ever-so-humble response, “I couldn’t let my girl go out in the field with sub-standard equipment.” Oh, honey. I do love you.
God has truly blessed me by providing Amanya. And He did it through Nathaniel. Nathaniel, whose name means Gift of God.
The Gift of God provided the Artist of God to the Messenger of God. There is poetry in the the Lord’s plans.