me friends, for it has been 3weeks since my last blog. I could give you
lots of excuses, like the hard drive on my computer dying and me have
to learn how to boot Linux off of a thumb drive before I could write
something. Or that I have been spending a lot of my time working on
computers for our contacts here in Nicaragua and at the end of the day
the last thing I want to do is spend more time on a computer. But
really, I just haven’t sat down and made myself do it. So here it is 🙂

been a great month. Our contacts here own a beautiful old hotel called
Casa Mateo. It makes me think of something out of a movie about Cuba.
It’s open air to the middle of the Hotel, with a big courtyard with
bright Latin colors.  The staff are all wonderful people. Normally,
when groups come to work with this ministry they stay at the Quinta,
which is a youth home and one of the places we have been spending our
time. But, because of the size of our group and the fact that there are
already some other people staying on site there, we get to stay in the
Hotel this month. So we have been very blessed by that.

have done all kinds of ministry this month, working with the kids at
the Quinta, going to the old folks home, playing soccer with the guys
at the rehab center, some cleaning up projects at the hotel, and lots
of other great stuff. But the biggest thing the Lord has been doing
here is getting all of us ready for Asia. Our team has had a lot of
spiritual growth and gotten rid of a lot of junk that we’ve been
dragging along with us. Everything from rejection to pride. For me the
Lord has really been reminding me to just be. To just draw into him and
not try to make this or that happen, but to just be with him. I’m not
sure that I really have figured out how to do that yet but I’m getting

other news. I will be going out ahead of my team to Africa for a week
in December to find contacts and arrange ministries for all of us. I
will be flying to Thailand with my team and then, after an 11hr layover
in Bangkok, I will fly to Ghana and meet up with Aaron Bruner from AIM
and we will spent a week traveling and meeting with contacts in West
Africa. So if you know anyone there drop me a line. Also, be praying
that I will be able to get some sleep on the planes. I will have over
25hrs of flight time, plus all the layovers, by the time I get to
Ghana. I am going to need some supernatural energy to be able to jump
rite into working when I arrive. But it is going to be awesome 🙂