Wow so much has happened since my last post.  We left Guatemala a little over a week ago.  We spent one night in El Salvador before continuing on to Nicaragua.  We stayed there for about 4 days at a Christian Retreat center on a huge lake.  Our view was an island with a huge Volcano.  It was a good time of relaxation and Preparation for Peru.  We flew to Peru and stayed at the church we will be working with for the month.

We started our Peru race in the morning at about 10.  We took a bus to a park near downtown and the adventures began.

First we had to run and find a park where there was a statue of someone who died.  We had to take a picture there and also find out how he died.  All the teams were fairly even at this point.  After that we had to catch a taxi to love park and find an inscription on the walls of a couples names.  Team Yeti beat us there, but started yelling that they had found it and so we were right behind them.  After that we had to run down to the beach and race a relay swimming out about 50 yards against huge waves.  It was probably the most tired and worn out I have ever been in my life.  After all of us swam we had to run up the stairs and go to a restaraunt and eat a whole meal as fast as we can.  It just happened to be cow hearts, which are very common in Peru and in my opinion very tasty. 

After lunch we had to get in another taxi and go to some catacombs and take a picture of a fountain filled with skulls and bones.  We got there and knew we had yeti still ahead of us.  Next we had to go to a chinese restaraunt and eat a desert called mim pau which was really different and delicious.  Then we had to go the the center square and ride a horse buggy around the block.  We did that and then jumped into a taxi who very slowly drove up the hill to a cross over  looking the city.  His car kept dying so he would just sit there on the hill for 5 minutes while our hearts raced.  We finally made it to the finish line where we came in third.  But it was a really fun day and the view at the end was well worth it.

We have now been doing ministry for quite a few days.  We have been visiting schools in the mornings and doing door to door evangelism in the afternoons.  We are also planning to build a church both physically and spiritually.  As there is no church in the village or people meeting right now.  We are also doing sports ministries and childrens ministries.  All of our teams are working together this month which is going to be awesome.  The church we are working with is amazing too.  Their members are very active and always helping us do everything. 

Look forward to more information and lots of pictures.