I had been talking to one of my friends in the village we were at named Franklin and I asked if there was any more waterfalls on the river we were swimming in.  He told me there was one about 20 minutes up the river. We had our debrief one this same river so I talked a group of people to go on a hike up to this waterfall. I had no idea what we were in for.  We ended up running into some local boys that became our tour guides through the river, the jungle and fields full of cow poo, bulls and who knows what else. 

When we finally arrived at the waterfall it blew us away.  I don�Lt know if I have ever been to such an awesome waterfall.  It was neat because it was not high it was long it lasted for about a half a mile and had caves all in it and little lagoons.  It was amazing.  Our little tour guides kept telling us there were tigers in the woods and running away.  But it was definitly one of my most memorable days probably of my life.

So I made this little video to document our little adventure and I hope that through it you might get the chance to come along with us.

Enjoy 🙂