There is a problem that I see today in our culture. The problem I see is this apathy towards seeking, this total disregard that there may be something else out there. It saddens me so much when talking to people that just have no drive. There is nothing that they feel is worth risking everything they have to get it. This problem has even reached into Christianity. I meet so many Christians who are just settled. They are settled in their walk with God settled in helping others. And they have stopped seeking all of who God is and what He wants to do in their life. I think one of the biggest things we can do in this life is continue seeking. We should never shriek away from the unknown.

Saying all this brings me to the point, that I really admire pirates. The biggest
reason is that they saw something they wanted and would do whatever it took
to get it. They lived for treasure. They traveled the world in search of more treasure.

I want to be a pirate for Jesus, I want to travel the world in search of my treasure, Jesus, and I want to
do whatever it will take in order to get all there is to get. I don’t
want to stop short of the goal and settle for anything less…

So I challenge you. Will you join the revolution? Will you join the mutiny of this culture and become a pirate for Jesus?…..