I am sorry my updates have not been awfully frequent. I had thought that blogging would be easy to keep up, but I guess I just don’t always feel that I have something worth blogging. So, I’m going to just start writing and see what comes out.   I tend to just be a stream of conciseness sort of writer anyways so hopefully this works out.

Lately, God has been reminding me that He is in charge and reaffirming to me that He will provide what I need for this trip. While hanging out with Charity over Thanksgiving weekend she reminded me of a verse that I needed to hear. In Romans 8 Paul says that God works all things for the good of those who love and serve Him. (I’m paraphrasing here) That was a good reminder and God has been reminding me too.

Monday before Thanksgiving I was trying to figure out how I was going to keep my car moving. I had very little gas in it and no money until later that week to put more in. I figured I could make it last if I just drove when I had to (work, church, etc.) I didn’t pray or even think to ask God to provide for me, but He did! I was sitting in naptime at the daycare I work at when an envelope came in for me from the board. I figured it was just a card saying thanks for being here and working with the children. It was that, but inside that card was a $25 gas card. I didn’t ask for it, but God knew I needed it and He provided for me! That amount is almost exactly what it costs to fill my car. Perfect! 

The next thing that was awesome happened last week. I checked my account, because I had put some money in there from a cookbook fundraiser that I’ve been doing. I was checking to be sure it went through. Well, did I ever get a surprise! Someone anonymously donated $100 to my account. To whomever that was thank you for your generous gift! I don’t know who you are, but God does and I pray that He blesses you for what you gave!  

Last Wednesday I was scheduled to speak at a local Christian school’s chapel.  I was excited to share with the kids there about what I am doing, how God led me here, and how He can direct their steps to do great things if they will let Him. Well, it was a rough morning. I was running late because I forgot to put gas in my car and I was afraid I wouldn’t make it if I didn’t stop on the way. So, I was driving faster than I should have been around a curve and I got pulled over by a sheriff. Then, when I handed him my registration, license, and proof of insurance I found out the newest proof of insurance card wasn’t in my car. Not good to say the least. He went back to his car and I just prayed that he would have some compassion on me. God must have laid that compassion on his heart, because he came back with just a warning. I am pretty sure I could have gotten more so I was very lucky. Especially, because paying for the ticket would not have been an easy task. 

I got to the school, later than planned, but thankfully they were flexible and not upset. I got to speak to the students and I felt that it went really well. The principal came up after I spoke to present a few certificates and then he challenged the students (especially the older ones) to sacrifice their soda at lunch or something and donate that money to my trip in the offering plate as they went back to class. Before I left he gave me a check from the school and the money the students had donated. The fact that I got anything was a huge surprise to me. I had gone there not expecting anything like that in return for speaking. I was just excited to get to share with the students. It really touched my heart that the students even gave. They may not have a lot of money, but it is like the widow who gave all she had even though it was little. She gave all that she had, and not just what she knew she could afford. Those kids did the same thing. It really meant a lot and the whole thing was a huge surprise.

So, even though I knew that right now all the money isn’t in my account I have complete and total faith that it will come in. I already bought my place ticket to LA for January 3rd to head out with the team. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I will be using that ticket. I don’t know how the money is going to come in, and I don’t know from where it will all come, but I know it will come. I have been praying and have others praying with me that the money will come and I pray knowing He will answer. He wants to bless His children with good gifts and He wants me on this trip so I know it will come. The only question I have for you is this, are you able to be a part of that blessing He will give? If you can the “Support Me” link on the left near the top of the screen is right there. Click it and help out if you can.