Change can happen quickly and abundantly on the Race. And while it can be tough and stretching, I know that God is sovereign and has us in the palm of His hands. It is good stuff so I will try to get you up to speed! Last weekend our squad came together for debrief in Sofia, Bulgaria. By the Lords leading, leadership has spent significant time praying into how teams will be switched around as they raise up new squad leaders to take us through the rest of the year as our current leaders (Stacy, Brian, and Caitlin) will be leaving us after debrief at the end of our time here in Turkey.

Denise and Michael Murphy along with Tamica Sloan have been called up to be our new Squad leaders! We are so blessed and honored to have them on the front lines fighting for us and behind the scenes working out so many of the CRAZY details involved with taking 45 people around the world for a year!
The women on my team have changed slightly. Katie moved to another team as a team leader, and we now have Drea Statzer on our team! Also, Hollis was appointed as our new team leader and I know she will be great in her role. Our new team name is Team Fresh.
This is the beautiful Drea! She’s already awesome because her full name is also Andrea 😉 Her love for God flows naturally and I’m excited to do life with her and spur each other on.
We are currently in Turkey for the month of November and I am looking forward to soaking up the culture here, which is drastically different than anything we’ve experienced so far. Turkey is 99.9% Muslim and it is evident in many ways. For example, the call to prayer we hear 5 times a day and the gorgeous mosques everywhere. We’ll be seeking to build relationships with the women here, learn about their lives, and LOVE them with God’s unconditional love. We appreciate your prayers always!
Here’s a couple snapshots of Istanbul….