There are many “Christianese” terms that I never knew the meaning of before becoming a believer. Ministry is one of them, and while I have a better understanding of it, I’m still not able to clearly define what it is. 
Before coming on the World Race, we had the idea that we’d be serving churches and ministries around the world. Even though we released expectations, they can still creep back into our minds. We may think that “doing ministry” is building a church, or holding orphan babies, or giving food to the homeless. And while these activities are ministry, I’m learning first-hand that it expands far beyond this. Thinking about a few things that we’ve done so far while on the Race…
In Ireland…painting a basement that few people actually see.
In Moldova…walking up and down the road praying for the village, cleaning dishes with a teammate.
In Serbia…talking to both locals and teammates and hearing their stories.
These were just a few examples. Is this the ministry you thought I’d be doing?
At the Catalyst West conference earlier this year, my friend and I had the opportunity to have lunch with Francis Chan…along with 20 others. For those who don’t know, Francis is a well-known pastor, author, and speaker among college students. During the Q & A time, we asked him this, “There’s a lot of talk out there about having balance in your life. What is the biblical perspective on this?” He responded somewhere along the lines of, “We often like to structure our lives like — church life, work life, social life, etc. But really, LIFE IS MINISTRY. They should all blend together.”
That really stuck with me and I often think of it while on the Race because EVERY part of this crazy adventure is ministry. It’s not just a designated time slot of the day.
I would challenge you to let the different parts of your life interweave. There may be an opportunity for you to be a blessing as you’re grabbing your daily cup o’ joe or getting groceries. It could be a smile, a word of encouragement, a helping hand, or even a dollar. And I’ve learned that it doesn’t always happen at a time that is convenient for you. My team prays daily asking the Lord for His help in being aware of opportunities He has planned for us that day. We don’t want to miss anything!