Did you know that Budapest is split into two sections of the city:  Buda and Pest ?  
Yes.  Buda + Pest = Budapest
The Danube River divides the city into two.
Shanda and I have been scouting new ministry contacts in Romania and Hungary.  Just today we realized sitting in a cafe in Budapest, that we haven’t slept in the same bed for more than two nights in a row for two weeks and that two weeks ago, we were in Nkhotakota, Malawi.  At that moment our lives appeared wildly unusual but wonderfully unpredictable.  Our peek into April’s Romanian ministries was encouraging and blessed all over the place; from being treated to lunch, getting boots ‘buy one get one free’ to becoming family with gypsies after one and a half days.  I even found myself dancing with gypsies at the contact’s wife’s mom’s birthday.  They say that if you drink the water, you won’t leave. 
One thing is sure: I’m half gypsy.  This might explain a lot for some of you.
Second thing is:  laughter and joy have not been scarce comodities.  Praise the good Lord.
<–  Shanda and I in Bistrita, Romania
 We’ve been learning how to deal the lack of sleep and rest while trying
to represent the team/ministry well.  It’s hard to find time with God
when you’re constantly on the move with no routine or schedule except the one you’re trying to plan for the squad in April.  But it
turns out that despite some of the difficulties like needing more
balance between time and working on set-up, this has been one of my enjoyable times on the race; not having a set plan, going with where God leads us yet having a concrete objective, not traveling with 31 other people, having a say in the tentative steps forward, and we’re in Europe with cold weather.  Did I mention it’s cold and Europe?