Today I was reading in Matthew 13 and saw a reference to the book of Daniel. This was the second day in a row I had seen a reference in Daniel. So I decided I was just going to read the whole book. As I got to the end of the story where we have all heard about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego something spurred a thought. What about the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego? If you have ever sat through a church service or looked around at the church banners you have heard or seen the phrases “The God of Jacob, The God of Isaac, the God of Israel, the God of Abraham.” And I love all of these patriarchs of my faith but what about the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego? The God who was worthy of no other idles to be worshiped in their life? The God who stood in the blazing furnace with His people? The God who shielded, covered and protected them to not even loose a hair on their heads through the fire? The God who rescued His servants who trusted in Him? What about that God?
After these thoughts and questions flooded my mind I had one last thought what about the God of Amy? Who is that God?
Well let me tell you. He’s the God worthy of endless sacrifices. For 11 months I sacrificed my loved ones, holidays, income, finishing school, the comforts of America, friendships, and Lord knows I sacrificed lots of sleep. He’s the God who is worthy of it all! The God who sustained me through trials and tribulations! The God who graciously stripped me of my close minded state, my habit to please people and win their approval, and my life even after leaving it behind I so desperately clung too. He is the God who trusted me to lead and be lead places my heart never could have dreamed. He is the God who calls me into more, and even more yet to come. He is the God who forgave me then forgave me again and again and again… Amys God is the God who was and is to come to do what he started. Amys God is the God of safety and peace both in the world around me and in my heart. That is Amys God. That is only a drop in the oceans of Who He is.
So ask me about my God! Ask about the God who called Me on the journey that was set before me! Ask me about the God I saw around the world! Ask me about Amys God. But before you do that ask yourself “Who is my God?”

Ps. Adjusting to America and being in one place longer then a month is new, challenging, sometimes frustrating, but over all so much sweeter then I ever could have expected! I start my last semester of college at CSU-Pueblo next week. I will graduate in December with a major in Psychology and a minor in Women’s Studies. I recently got hired as a receptionist for a real estate agent and love it! After I graduate I plan to find a masters program anywhere for the Art of Christian counseling. In hopes to do what I have felt the Lord calling me to since I was the age of 20. Counsel His beloved children through the lens of His Word. Also holding my plans very loosely. I’m going to let Jesus do was Jesus does best. For He knows the plans He has for me.

THANK YOU ALL, loved ones, friends, supporters and readers who truly are the hands and feet of Jesus that made it possible to spread the gospel to all nations!