Last night after we got home from prayer walking the college campus I was grumpy. My head had been hurting, I was tired, and all I wanted was to be left alone to sleep. Let’s just say living in a house that now has nine women in it you don’t always get what you want at the moment you want it. My teammate Allie notices I was being quiet and when I spoke all I had was complaints. As I waited my turn for the bathroom she walks over sets a piece of paper down and walks away. It was a sweet note with a coupon for a free back scratch from her when ever I wanted it. I was so blessed by that gesture that all my complains flew out the window and tears rolled down my face. That night as I climbed into my hammock and thanked God for His goodness and said good night to Him I was still fighting a headache and my pour attitude.

As I woke up this morning to the birds chirping my headache was gone and I was thankful to wake up and have another day to serve the mighty God that loves me. We all got ready to go to this tower to look over Beograd with our host on one of our last days with her and headed to the bus stop. This wasn’t the normal bus stop we go to, actually it was the complete opposite way we normally go. As we arrived bus number 26 pulled up and our bus 25 was following not far behind it. As the first bus stopped and unloaded so the next could pull forward my beautiful friend that I told you all about in my last blog got off and hurried over to our group with a huge smile on her face. As I realized who it was I was over joyed. My friend from the bus, the woman I had been praying for, the lady who was kind to me on the bus, she was wrapping me up in a big hug at a bus stop I had never been to, and a day we had “off.” I couldn’t believe it. After a long hug, she stepped back and said “I was looking for you. I have a present for you.” She went on to give me a necklace with white pearls, black pearls, a charm with an R, a charm with an M and a few other charms. The R represents the word radost meaning joy in Serbian and the M representing the word mila, which means my dearest or special one. She also gave me best wishes chocolate bar and a balance bracelet. It was so special and a complete divine intervention. The week previously we had a woman’s retreat for any and all woman that we connected with, which was at the place we are being hosted, I had invited her via email and never heard back.

So the story is she didn’t get my email till a day late and knew I was leaving this week so she left her house in an adventure to find me at the address I gave her for the retreat and if I wasn’t there she was going to check the air port, but because of debrief we wont be leaving Beograd for another 6 days. The craziest part is that she misses the stop to our house by two stops and for some reason we happened to be two stops up waiting for a different bus to take us out of town. Now that is a divine intervention. God orchestrated it all for us to meet again and have our final goodbye that was so joyful, filled with tears, laughter, and lots of hugs and kisses goodbye at the bus stop this morning. Now the reason I labeled it joy comes in the morning is because although I had a head ache and a grumpy attitude the night before, the next morning the widow on the bus that holds a sweet spot in my heart happened to find me at a bus stop. God is so good and He is always giving abundantly and always pursuing our hearts in a sweet tender way. If you don’t know who I am talking about in this blog please check out my previous blog post.