January 12th, 2017- the halfway mark

Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell others about it

This has been my anthem for the past few months. Ever since this journey started, I’ve put up this banner as my battle cry, written it on my heart like a post-it note.
Reminded myself again and again so I don’t forget it. 

Pay attention:

I’ve watched grown men cry, seen birds of incredible beauty and color, listened to testimonies and stories and fears. I’ve looked straight into the eyes of another. I’ve watched seeds grow into fruition. I’ve witnessed dozens of sunrises and sunsets, all unique in color and passion. And If there is anything I’ve learned these past few months, it’s to pay attention to what’s in and around you. Stop and smell the roses because even the aroma of the flowers is grace meant just for you and me. Pay attention because this life flies by faster than we’d like to admit. Throw your hands up and stare wide eyed and mystified at the wind in your face and people passing by. Don’t grow numb to the beauty, wonder, and struggle of this earthly home. Pay attention to what makes people feel frustrated, joyful, noticed, and forgotten. The measure you use will be returned to you, with even more added to it. Pay attention, Amy.

Be astonished:
Let you heart be broken for all the right things. Be astonished at hunger and death and selfishness. Be in awe of everything and anything, nothing is too small. It’s ok to stare with jaw dropped to the floor at the lion. It’s ok to weep with the women who’s feeling so lost and alone she’s contemplating abortion. The Lord doesn’t just fill our cups, He expands our hearts, allowing us to love in Wild, new capacities. Hearts weren’t made to be tethered, they were made to fly. So Go sit next to the homeless man and be astonished at his story, our story, humanities story. We all have one, we’re just waiting for someone to listen.

And then go tell others about it:
Go back to the states, your family, your friends, and tell them the stories. Tell them how you paid attention and were astonished. Show them what it’s like to live with hands open to a God who never stops giving us grace. Point them Upwards to He who made the cosmos, and help them connect the dots. Teach them foreign languages and tell them about injustices. Because, Amy, this journey wasn’t just meant for yourself. This is for y’all too. You who’ve felt trapped, weary, alone. There is a Life to be lived that few actually take hold of. Just because you have breathe in your lungs doesn’t make you alive. Pay attention to how the Father woos, be astonished at the scars in his hands and feet, and go tell others what He did on the cross.