December 27th, 2016

I think we all just want to be invited. Whether it’s to a home, a friend group, or a table
We all just want someone to look us in the eyes and say, “wanna join?”

My squad coach told us right before Christmas that children receive gifts but adults give gifts. That really stuck with me. I want to be someone who gives more than she receives. Because of Christ, I’ve been given so much love, grace, acceptance, and peace, and I want to give that to others!! And what better opportunity to give than during Christmas???

So we traveled to the city for Christmas. Made sure to keep our eyes peeled and our hearts open to how the Lord wanted to use us. Paid attention like God was everywhere and anywhere because He is. We got to know this tuk tuk driver named, D.J., who I’m convinced is the most incredible human alive. He drove us around for the few days we were in the city, and we got to know his story a bit. And we started to realize that D.J had been through a lot and was really struggling. It’s interesting because you would never know it unless you asked. I think we’re all like that as well. We’re just waiting for someone to ask.

Anyways, we decided to take D.J out and bless him with a meal. The next day we invited him out to dinner with us, all expenses paid for. He was shocked but joyfully said yes!!

We ate and talked and laughed and shared and asked. It’s crazy to think about how D.J has driven hundreds of people but I don’t think he’s ever been invited to share a meal with one. The whole time we were eating with him, I couldn’t help but notice the smile on his face, or how he told us at the end of the night that we had paid him with our hearts. And I realized that inviting others is one of the most important things we can do as Christians. Because that’s exactly what Jesus does. He goes out into the streets and invites the prostitute, the poor, the rich, the tax collector, and the Pharisee to come into His kingdom. And at Jesus’ table there is something so much better than quesadillas and burritos. He offers a buffet of love, acceptance, joy, and peace that passes understanding. Not everyone will accept the it, but everyone deserves to hear of it.

So I propose a toast: to invitations, to paying attention, to gift-giving, and to Mexican food!!!

Merry Christmas:)