We are the aroma of Christ (2 Cor 2:14-15).

Our first few days here in Ometepe were a
bit of a struggle for me, but God was wanting to give me a truer picture of His
heart and what ministry really looks like. At first I didn’t understand why He
had brought us here…”what could we do to help?”…the orphanage is very well run and
self-sufficient, the children have people come and go all the time (so they
were at first slow to open up and love us, because we would just be leaving
again like all the other groups), and the church is alive and has great
leadership and a heart for evangelism. “Lord, what are we to be doing?,” I kept
asking Him. I wanted to be doing more, and He was telling me just to love.

So we have- arms wide open, just loving the
kids, the orphanage workers, the church members, the locals we meet as we are
out in the towns. Coming alongside them to work with them in what they are doing and just to be involved in their lives! I can´t even describe to you the looks on the kids faces as we started to serve them by helping them with their chores- to wash their clothes with them, take a broom and help them sweep, serve them meals, play with them, and lavish them with hugs and kisses. Just showing how much we care about them and how special their lives are- not trying to come in and change the way they do things or take over. This has made an incredible difference in them opening up and knowing Jesus better.

(Swimming in Lake Nicaragua with the kids)

Talking with the pastor’s son (Jose Luis)
the other day, the Lord made it so clear why He called us here. Jose just looked
at me and said, “You and your team are so special to us, and so different from
most groups that come because usually groups come to just do a project. They
work, say hello and goodbye, and that is all. But you came loving us- with open
arms, wanting to get to know us, and to work alongside us. And we love you.”
Wow!! That is huge! We are being the hands, feet, and heart of Jesus Christ as
we love them and show we care (and how much He cares about them) by being
involved in their daily lives and joining alongside them. Here I had felt like this was “all” we were doing, and we needed to do more, but this was EXACTLY what God has called us here to do. Over these last few days, these same expressions have been shared with us from multiple people in both the church and from the orphanage, that there is something different about our group- it´s pure and simply the LOVE of Christ in action!! Jesus´ministry/style of evangelism was to love, show compassion (see the needs of the people and to meet them), and to teach them the truth. That is the example He gives us to follow!