Psalm 31:14&15 ~ “But I trust in You, O Lord; I say, ‘You are my God.’ My times are in your hands…”

God used this verse a few years ago to really transform the way I viewed my life. I was so blessed to be raised in a Christian home & know about Jesus from a young age! But just knowing about Him wasn’t enough, in college is when I really let Him be Lord of my life and to seek Him in all my ways. This was a pivotal time in my walk with Christ, as I realized my life needed to be about so much more. I can see how God started changing my dreams & passions for the future, transforming my heart during this time! He showed me in Acts 13:36 that He has a purpose for each of us in our generation, this time in history where He has us! Wow! What an amazing concept to soak in!

I grew up in a small, country town in central PA & had a wonderful childhood! I am the oldest of 5 girls & have amazing parents. I went to college at Indiana Wesleyan, where I got my nursing degree, played college soccer, made some solid friends, & was then launched in to the “real world.” I worked in Indianapolis almost 2 years before moving out to San Diego as a travel nurse, where I’ve now been for almost a year! I’ve really enjoyed my time in San D- it’s absolutely gorgeous, so many outdoor activities, and I’ve got a strong church! I work in the ICU- I pretty much always knew I wanted to be a nurse & love many aspects of it- it’s a huge opportunity to love & serve people, be in their lives at a critical time & help them in a very tangible way, as well as constantly challenging me and showing me how much more I always have to learn. I know God has shown me that my ministry will look very different at various points along the way, and that He had something else in store for this next season. I’d been looking into working at an adventure camp, working with Doctors without Borders, the Air Force, all kinds of things- but nothing seemed completely right at this time. Over the last few months, I’d been planning on moving back home with 2 of my sisters & spending time closer to my family, but I felt like God was asking me if I was willing to give all this up & if I loved Him more than even my family. The Holy Spirit started urging me to pray differently about what to do next. God clearly brought the WR into my life the exact week I needed to decide what I was going to be doing next. It was incredible! I was totally in awe of how God moves again & again! As I heard about the WR, I was filled with His peace & the excitement of knowing for sure this was where He wanted me! I couldn’t stop jumping up & down, praising God!! 😉

I’ve been fortunate to have been overseas before- to Haiti, Austrailia, Scotland, & Kenya. Each trip was incredible & deepened my desire to know more about other cultures & to see more of this amazing world God created! I absolutely love traveling, trying new things, adventures, outdoor activities, all sports, fellowship, my family, and living!! 🙂 I love how God has brought us all together, from all different backgrounds & life experiences to share in this upcoming adventure! Incredible! The earth is the Lord’s & everything in it, the world & all who live in it! He knows us so intimately & every purpose that He has for us! I love that He is also a God who wants to pour out His blessings on us & who receives the most pleasure when we are fully alive in Him!

“What lies behind us & what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what (Who) lies within us!”