Psalm 9:9-10 “The Lord is a refuge
for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. Those who know your name
will trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.”

Did you know? Did you know Pattaya existed? Did you know am
entire city was dedicated to sex tourism? Did you know men and women here are
living lives of captivity? Well, now you do. But you should also know the Lord
is mighty and He is the God of this city!

The song ‘God of this city’ was written here in Pattaya. It
blows me away that the origin of that song roots from the streets I am walking
on and the bars I am visiting. It has never seemed truer until now the
importance of declaring those words over your city. God is the roots and
foundation of this city and He is re-claiming it.

When I wrote my first blog about Pattaya I was feeling very
oppressed and heavy because of this city. God has now replaced the heaviness
with a spirit of praise. I am falling in
love with this city because I have never been to a place where the entire city
needs Christ more than here. Pattaya and people from all over the world are
coming together this week to see that happen. Ministries and churches are
standing together to praise God and to cry out to His holy name for the
salvation of this city. This event is called Pattaya Praise and we are lucky
enough to be a part of it.

Day 1 started with everyone coming together at Pattaya
Church for an evening of prayer and praise to start this off right.

Day 2 we began the day with going to different spots around
town to battle in prayer for this city and to pray against the strongholds that
are controlling it. Then in the afternoon we broke into groups and went to the
different locations that the remainder of events are going to be held to pray
and bless the ground that we would be worshipping at. I went with a few others
to pray over one of the bars we would be worshipping at that evening. While we
were praying I saw God as child and he was jumping up and down and so excited.
He was saying over and over again, “My children are coming home tonight; my
children are coming home tonight.” And God did nothing less than fulfilling
what I saw and so much more. It was an evening like none other. Let me just say
it again…we had worship AT A BAR! It was amazing. The bar was open to the
street so people would just walk by and be drawn to the music. Many seeds were
planted to passerbies and some even came to know Christ. Amen. God pulled
another funny and had me speak again. When Krystal told me earlier that afternoon
that I would, I just brushed it off and said that I would be praying not
speaking. God is calling me to step fully into Him and showing me I can do
anything with His strength. When I asked people to come forward 4 girls who
worked there at the bar came forward and committed their lives to God. Healing
fell on them, it was beautiful. The bar owner was convicted as well and I
imagine that the band will see many a-days rocking out there. Words cannot
describe how beautiful and amazing the evening was. Prayer was being lifted up
all around the continuous praise. I will say it again…You are God of this city,
You are God of these people.

Day 3, three different schools were visited by everyone. And
get this America, in every school a worship band played and we prayed over all
the students. For a nation that is 95% Buddhist, the one true God was shown to
the children of Pattaya. The last school we were at we worshipped from 5-11.
The mayor came to the event and praised God for this event. Many different
bands played and again we cried out to God on behalf of this city.

Day 4 is today. Later this afternoon we are meeting at
Tiffany’s for worship, dance, and prayer. Tiffany’s is a huge venue where
transvestites put on performances every day. It is the place where prostitution
began in this city. American soldiers would come here on leave back in the day
and the rest is disgusting history. The amazing part is that they were going to
charge thousands of dollars to rent the place out, which of course was not in
budget, but God saved the day. Now the bar is charging nothing and history is
being made here in town. It will be two hours of breaking strongholds,
repentance, praise, and a freakin blast. In the evening we will go to the huge
local grocery store, in the middle of town, and hold worship right there
outside of it. How awesome it that!

Whew I know you are thinking…woah
that is crazy insane. It is no wonder I am filled with a sense of worship,
because I have never worshipped as much as I have been lately, and I love it.
God IS breaking strongholds here. God IS saving people. God IS shinning his
light here in the darkness. God IS the God of this city! Join us in prayer in
praise today and proclaim that God is the God of Pattaya!

9:11 Sing PRAISE to the Lord enthroned in Zion;

among the nations what he has done.