When I first moved to Thailand almost 1 year ago, I never imagined that I would live in such a beautiful, peaceful home as I have.  I remember the day this gem found us like it was yesterday.  On that day, it was time to go meet a real estate agent who was going to take us to a little house close by a university.  As we left our guesthouse, we passed some World Racers and with great excitement asked them to pray that this was the one.  We were tired of looking.   


Aimee and myself did not want just any old place, rather a place were people could come and find rest.  A place where Racers could swing by to be rejuvenated from their 11 month journey.  A dwelling where FBR volunteers could come and be captured by His love.  A home where the Spirit flowed freely and all walks of life, faiths were welcomed.  

Because we were early that day, our agent decided to take us to a different house beforehand that was unbeknownst to us. As we walked throughout the property, our eyes landed on what would soon become our home.  A place where the Holy Spirit could have only led us.  

the path where many feet have traveled


I was reminded the other day about the hopes Aimee and I had for this home when a new FBR volunteer from Germany moved in.  Within seconds of stepping across the threshold, all she could say was how peaceful and restful this place was.  "It's like going on Holiday from your Holliday."  When I shared this with a friend from the states, who just visited, she encouraged me to read a "welcome home" card that had taken refuge on our refrigerator.

"We pray that this home is a place the Spirit always dwells, a place of great, deep conversations, laughter, love, and peace,"  were the prophetic words that our dear World Racers left for us this past September.  

Our first World Race Visitors almost 1 year ago


The exact same thing He was placing in our hearts, He used others to speak over this new found dwelling.  This home has been just that.   From diving into the heart of God with a nonbeliever that lived with us for a couple weeks, worship nights, fun, laughter and tears, racers spending a month in this place and watching their love wash onto a new roommate, pursuits from men, Thai speaking nights with friends, hour long conversations with an atheist over a game of skip bo, tea and cookies with our landlord, God used this home in ways I will never know. 

some of the faces…goodbye party for my roommate in February

Different WR Squads, Different Journeys unite in our home

the ladies who stayed in our home the month of March

taking a friend and her mom to the airport in May


I am thankful for this place where God has allowed us, me, to be a part of alluring people closer to His heart by simply being love.  It is a bittersweet moment for come the first of September, our lease is up and it will be time to move on to something greater.  I know that the happenings in this home are only a mere glimpse of what is yet to come on the border of Thailand and Burma in a little neighborhood called Mae Sot Villa…