We had a wild, dusty and hot ride
on the way to Malawi from Mozambique.  We all rode on a large flat
bed truck that had a thick tarp over it.  We were all squeezed in
there with all of our big packs.  However, I am able to sleep
anywhere, and did not miss any of my sleep on the 41 hour ride.

Since we’ve been in Malawi we have
been helping a man named Shadrack.   Shadrack is a church
planter.  He has already planted over 60 churches in the nearby
villages.  Each week we’ve been going into the villages and doing
door to door evangelizing. Our team of seven split into three groups.
Jared and I were together with our translator. We go door to door 
telling the people about Jesus, praying for them, and inviting them to
the church. Many of the people told us that they knew very little about
Jesus, but really wanted to learn more about him. As we would walk door
to door all the kids would follow us laughing and yelling “Muzungu,”
meaning white person. Some were seeing a white person for the first
time in their life, some of the younger ones would run and cry because
they were so scared, all the older kids would laugh. They followed us
as we would go to the other houses listening to what we had to say. At
the end of the day when all of our groups would meet back there would
be many kids that had followed all of us all the way back.  We
would spend time playing with them, singing fun songs, and teaching
them about Jesus.

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!  Please read Amanda’s Blog
to see what happened and the deliverance that a young girl received
Christmas Eve!  We all got to eat a nice lunch together on
Christmas and relax, it was great. We did secret Santa’s within the two
teams that are here.  The people that drew Jared and my name went
together and bought fruits and veggies for us! We were soooo happy! On
New Year’s Eve Jared and I took our two translators to a service and
Amanda and Leigh came along as well. There had been signs put up all
over town about this service so we decided to go to it. It was great to
get to pray in the New Year with many other Christians.  I was
delighted to discover that the service  was in
English.   I miss going to church services or any type of
Christian service so much. We go every week, but our team is in charge
of the service and one of the team members has to preach, so it is a
lot of preparation and work.  It was nice to just sit and

Jared and I covet your prayers.  We
are beginning to pray and consider our future in the USA.  We are
requesting prayer  concerning what we are to do when we
return.  Where we are going to live, work, and all of that. 
Pray for us to have opportunities in our career and job choices that
will bring glory to the Kingdom and provide for us financially as well.

Lastly, we still need some financial
help to finish our financial obligation to The World Race.  We are
so thankful that some of you have made very generous pledges and are
extremely faithful to honor your pledges.  We have been incredibly
blessed by these gifts.  In addition, we still need about $1,500
that is not part of the pledged amount.  Once that obligation is met, any extra money in our World Race account can be used toward reimbursement for trip expenses we personally paid
for before we left, such as health insurance, shots, ect.  These items total approximately $3,000.  If you
would like to donate to our World Race account, you can do so by
clicking on  the “Support Me” button to the left.  Also, if
you would like to give into our personal account that would be greatly
appreciated as well.  You can send that to my mother.  She has been a
huge help taking care of our personal stuff back home.  Please
keep our finances in your prayers. 

What a joy the past seven months have
been!  Jared and I know how fortunate we have been to have this
opportunity and would like to spend time with all of you; sharing our
stories, pictures, and experiences and letting you know what God has
done for us and through us on this incredible journey.  We
anticipate being back in the USA the first week of May!  I am
still excited about where we’re going and what we’ll be doing, but I do
have to admit I’m getting really excited about being back in America.

Thank you everyone for your continued prayers!!!