This whole community living thing is a lot harder than I thought. 

In my life at home I had so much time alone. I lived alone, I worked out alone, I went to the beach alone, I went to movies alone and I loved it, alone.

There were always plenty of people around if I chose to seek them out, but I was always in control of how much time I spent with them. I could always go home to my house where I lived ALONE.

Now, I don’t really get to do anything alone. I share my living space, work with people all the time, and most of the time can’t even use the toilet alone.

I’m not sure what to do to be alone. Every time I think I might have found the time or the spot it’s gone. 


 It’s quite a switch.

I miss all the time that I had to myself.
I miss being able to decide
if I would rather be around people or not.

I miss the people at home who understand my silence and know that it’s just how I work things out.

It was comfortable. This is not.


But, that’s why I’m here. 

To be moved out of the things that are comfortableTo be pushed into the uncomfortable.

So that I can see life differently

Through the eyes of my team, through the eyes of the local people and most importantly through the eyes of Jesus.

So, Jesus, please keep the uncomfortable coming. 
I’m not sure I’m ready but I’m willing.