Being in Africa, is kind of like the avocado, pineapple, passion juice our pastor serves when we go to his house. It is a mix of very different “fruits” or countries we have been to thus far.  Each one adding a unique flavor all its own!   
Kenya was new and exciting, becoming everything we were to measure future African countries against “the main ingredient” (ie avocado).   It was here we were first exposed to the culture.   It was here we took our first bucket showers, rode boda boda’s, ate tons of chapati, tried Ugali, and saw many come to the Lord through “door to door evangelism.”  We met amazing friends and were encouraged by the constant excitement and joy in their lives!.
Uganda came next; a tasty addition to the lessons learned in Kenya (pineapple maybe). Its distinctive flavor added many new experiences to the concoction . It was here we truly lived as Ugandans: we slept in grass huts, drank milk we milked from the cow’s, carried water on our heads from the well, and danced as a form of worship in the church. Without electricity or time constraints, life was simpler than we had known before.  It was truly an incredible experience to be “in the bush” falling in love with the community around us! We also had a crazy opportunity to raft on the Nile. The whole month was truly packed full of memories we will not soon forget!
And Tanzania! I would call it the “passion fruit.”  It adds a little zing and zest to the mix. This country is one of the most beautiful we have been to. Lake Victoria, the Serengeti, and a once in a lifetime sunset have made me stop and think (more than a few times) just how awesome God’s creation is. 

This month I also enjoyed the church we were with, its members, and our contact Pastor Paul. He is an energetic, giving man, with a lot of joy in his life. His family is unbelievably hospitable and his church family has been more then welcoming as well. It has been encouraging to minister alongside them in the hospital praying for people, and in the community doing door to door evangelism.

We have also been encouraged to be a part of the churches: prayer, women’s group, youth meetings and Sunday morning services. The worship of the many choirs of the church is a sight to see as well. They not only sing, but did amazing choreographed dances up front every Sunday. It is like nothing we else we have witnessed in a worship service (and one of my favorite experiences was attempting to keep up with them during a practice) I will admit however, that even the little ones have better dance moves than us! But it is still fun to try!

It has been interesting to process the fact that our days in Africa have come to an end. Countless lessons, experiences, and memories, will be taken take from this place. I will miss the culture and people we have come to know and care about. I am eager however, to begin ministry in Thailand and ready for the next chapter of our race to begin!  Goodbye Africa….Hello Asia!
