The past few weeks my team along with team Beautiful Feet have been in Ocnita, Moldova.  It is a small village in the northern part of the country near the border of Ukraine (its kind of hard to find on a map).  It took around 17 hours on a sleeper train to get here from Bucharest but have had an amazing time since!   
Our contacts Andre and Larissa graciously opened up their hearts and their home to us. We were able to speak in their church, lead worship, put together a Vacation Bible School, visit a mens rehabilitation center, experience their harvest day( which was a feast kind like a thanksgiving of sorts), as well as, pray for and get to know the community around us
One opportunity we had was to cut down a corn field so the men in the rehabilitation center could shuck it. We enjoyed the experience and worked well together.    Here are a few pictures of our time cuting down corn, taking in the Maldovan sunsets, and enjoying our time with the kids!