To say that I am nervous to speak in front of crowds is an understatement!

I am terrified! I do not like speaking in front of a group larger than three or four, EVER! When I learned that while on the Race we would be asked to preach and teach lessons I was immediately scared, nervous, terrified, *insert proper emotion here.

On Friday, the Lord gave me the opportunity to speak to a room of 7th grade girls.

I have been working with the Jr. High ministry at my church for just over a year. The first 8 months I was unable to get as involved as I wanted because I was finishing school. However starting this last June I was able to dive head first into the kids lives and the ministry. In September I took on more leadership when a staff member moved away and they hadn’t yet filled the position. In doing so I started planning some girls night for each grade, the first of which was last Friday.   

Jess, a Jr. High staff member, asked if I would do a five-minute devotional with the girls that evening. I said yes right away but by the time the event came around I had yet to write one up, I was getting really nervous so Natalie sat down with me to write it. I ended up talking to the girls about humility using my favorite verses out of Philippians, specifically 2:3-5.

I was so nervous when I started talking but it wasn’t as terrible as I thought it would be! It was good practice and I am so thankful to the Lord for giving a small, quiet setting to start practicing for the Race!

This is definitely an area the Lord will grow me in and I look forward to more opportunities to practice before leaving in July!