Team Pic


I will start out with the good news! I went to the Catholic church with my family and friends from the team the night before I left to Puerto San Jose and it was awesome. I had asked several people to sing one of my favorite songs earlier in the week, but was told that it was only sang during easter week. We went in the church and sat down for mass and I decided to say a little prayer anyway that maybe we could sing my song. I hardly finished my prayer when everyone in the church began singing my favorite song. The words say that the church is filled with Gods presence and that nobody knows if the church went up to the heavens or the heaven came down to the church. That describes exactly how I felt that night. I was so thankful to be back in church with my family and friends and be in the presence of God.

The next morning we headed to Puerto San Jose where we have been working on a property for the last week. We have been painting and hoping to get the pool clean so we can fill it with water. Thankfully the ocean is only a mile away so we go often to swim and watch the sunset. Now for the bad news!! Mom I thought we were close in our prayers, but I am starting to think it may be our bad bug experiences. The first night we moved into our new place Felix found a wonderful scorpion. Not something you want to find everyday or anyday!! I was rather afraid of the scorpion, but to my suprise it was only the begining. I went into the girls bathroom and realized I was not alone. There were two ginormous frogs over and behind the toilet. I went running out quickly and found Felix. He told me not to touch them because they are poisonous. One went down the toilet and the other went in a jar with the scorpion. I am still waiting for the frog to come back up the toilet. After a rough nights sleep in my tent over my bed I woke up and decided to start my day with a little run to the beach. It was an awesome run and the ocean was refreshing in the morning heat, but when I returned to shower I was once again traumatized. As I prepared to shower and turned on the water I realized a bees hive was in the nozle and the water was not something that made the bees  happy. I was screaming and trying to grap clothes to run away. The next day we found a unidentified object on our floor. We decided it was a worm or a snake or something else.  We will be here a few more days so I am hoping to have less bug action. Other than the bugs all is well and I love and miss you all!!