God is always with me everywhere I go. He is talking to me and opening my eyes to the world. Yesterday was different than other days.  If you would have been watching from above you would have seen me sitting on a curb side here in Palenque crying out the name of Jesus. I was with my team in town when in an instant I went from being 100 percent healthy to swollen up and feeling my body going numb. My eyesight was blurry and I knew that I had little time left to breath. My team gathered around me and we cried out to Jesus! We jumped in the next taxi that passed by and went back to our base. An army of God´s children gathered around me and started praying that God would touch me with His healing Power. I felt the power of the Holy Spirit touch me and others in the room that had never spoke in a prayer language started praying out to God in tongues. My teamates where on there knees crying out to God. I felt that we should praise God in song. The moment I had this thought everyone started singing Our God is an Awesome God!! Our God is an awesome God! The enemy tried to bring fear and discouragment because He knows that we have passion to go around the world and not tell people about God, but touch people with the hands of Christ. People will not know that God is love, they will feel His love. I believe God wants to raise the dead spiritually and physically and my faith has been increased that no weapon formed against me will prosper. Praise Jesus!

For those people that don´t know in the past I have had  anaphlactic (sp?) shock usually related to something I have eaten. The last time I needed two epi pens and went to the hospital for steroids. The doctors told me that with each attack it could get worse so always to have epi pens. The epi pens make me feel horrible and the attack can come back stronger 30 minutes after the injection. I didn´t have to use an epi pen yesterday because we turned to God to heal me and He was and is faithful!!!